on 05 March, 2013

Software Engineer at KPIT Cummins

 Nishid Ranka

Grad College St. Francis Institute of Technology (SFIT), Mumbai
Stream B.E. in Electronics & Telecom (EXTC)
Graduated in 2012
Grad Aggregate 63%
Standout Quality Sound technical knowledge & good communication skills.



  • Jobs Applied for: Tata Consultancy Service (TCS), KPIT Cummins
  • Jobs offered: KPIT Cummins
  • Job accepted: KPIT Cummins
  • Pay Package: INR 280,000/year
  • Posted in: Bangalore
  • Nature of Recruitment: Pool campus


Interview Experience:

It was good; they basically tested my microprocessor and microcontroller skills along with my communication skills as this was what they majorly required being in automotive field.


Job Description:

I work in Automotive field and my domain is Clusters. What we usally deal with is the software part of the Clusters. We do HMI testing and code generation as major part. (HMI is used in clusters)

Experience at Work:

It has been great experience & the working hours are 11 to 8 being an offshore development team. I really learned a lot apart from my engineering knowledge.


Advice to the juniors:

Be confident of whatever you say in interview and just be relaxed with a smile on your face. Be prepared with the common questions asked in interviews. And do remember no company is big or small your interest is what solely matters.

Never stop learning!

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